Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Journal Entry #3

Chapter 3
Journal Entry #3

Focus Question #1: What is meant by “lesson development using technology”?

Lesson development refers to all activities that teachers use to create, teach, and evaluate students. Three questions are focused on when creating a lesson.
1.       What academic content will be taught
2.       How will the content , goals, methods be taught.
3.       What form of measurement will be used to evaluate what the students have learned?
Lesson development using technology is up to the teacher to decide which electronic resources he/she uses to meet the above topic areas. Each teacher must follow the guidelines put forward by their district or state curriculum framework but details of how to execute the required topic is typically up to the teacher. The teacher must decide how to explore or explain the topic area. The internet is a great resource to find such resources. The teacher must also decide which methods and instructional strategies they would like to use. After this, they can develop how to incorporate technology into the plan. Many teachers may use support for presentation software, web-based tools, wikis, interactive software, and other assertive technologies. Teachers can also use different technology based software for assessments and grade keeping.

Tech Tool 3.1

I love that teachers have places that they can absorb new ideas to integrate into their plans. This is a great way to give teachers the opportunity to be innovative and unique in their teaching. Even for the “seasoned” teacher these website portals can spark new ideas and creativity into their thought process. Sometimes I feel that with any job we can become dull. Learning new things and having new ideas available for us to think “outside the box” keeps us fresh and excited about new things. Reading this book I am learning that there are endless resources available to keep the classroom fun and exciting.


This Chapter explains the use of technology resources within lesson plans and different examples of evaluating/assessing children. Lesson development using technology is up to the teacher to decide which electronic resources he/she uses to meet topic areas. Now knowing from reading Tech Tool 3.1, I feel it is wonderful that teachers due get some freedom explore topic areas for creative planning. Also, I was shocked at all the different assessment tools used in within schools. When I was in school I feel that most of the assessment tools were multiple choice tests and exams. I like the method of observing through performance-based assessments this way children have an opportunity to really incorporate what they have learned first hand.  
Photo by Ryan M

I feel that after reading this chapter that I truly could imagine not using technology in some form within the classroom. Not only is it an exciting and innovative to keep the children interacted, it also allows for simplicity of tracking progress, and retrieving or sharing ideas among teachers. 

1 comment:

  1. You are becoming a 'believer'! ;) Fortunately, not only are there an abundance of learning ideas for lesson plans on the internet, but there are also so many peer resources to connect with other teachers. Great photo, but the citation is not correct (link does not take to Flickr page of original photo). And don't forget you need to add the resource at the end of your post.
