Focus Question Chapter 1: How do new technologies create new opportunities for teaching and learning?
Technology in the classroom lends itself to innovative experiences to capture today’s youth. Many of our youth are subjected to many different technology means such as television, cell phones, internet, and hand held devices. Children are becoming accustomed to technology and have most likely had personal experiences with some form of technology.
Technology in the classroom can be expanded not only for the benefits of the students but also the teacher. The teacher is able to generate spreadsheets and format teaching tools to better track and monitor the success of the children. Data collection is very important to access the students’ progress and to view best teaching styles for each individual child. For children the teachers are able to access programs that can be focused on a specific unit, or skill needed for either individual or group use.
Engagement of each student is a key to learning specific topics. The more engaged a child is with interactive technology or group work the more a child will learn verses memorize. Memorization was a way of the past but with technologies children have opportunity to experiment through trial and error as well as have direct engagement with their learning environment.
Overall, technology allows teachers to create more lively and inspiring teaching situations which makes it easier for students of all backgrounds, possessing different levels and interests capture the curriculum through divergent learning styles. Thus said, it is important that the district of school fully support these innovative teaching styles.
Teaching Tool 1.1
I found this teaching tool extremely on key. Having experienced both the “bag lady” approach and the potable flash drive approach, I fully understand the necessity of being able to be portable within your profession. I understand that moments will occur frequently when information must be accessed outside of the work day. I have both a laptop and a flash drive that is used daily and is considered just as important of my cellphone for communication. I currently think that the laptop is most important as a flash drive is only useful if you have a computer on hand. Again though, having a source of backup is important in the event of a computer crash.
Summary Chapter 1
Technology in the classroom is a great approach to connecting teachers and students together while giving new learning opportunities. Engaging activities and new learning styles to fit all backgrounds and inquiry based learning are intertwined for the benefits of both the teachers and students. It is important though, that teachers are willing to take on new challenges and that the needed technology materials can be made available to each student. Barriers consist of lack of school bought materials/machines/software, digital disconnect of students outside the school day and fear or lack of technology fluency of the teacher. The e-teacher which uses the Web 2.0 tools will be able to connect to his/her students in a more engaging way.